

Dr. Jana Robinson, PSSI’s Managing Director, contributed to the first panel at ESPI's annual conference, entitled “Scaling European Space Capabilities for Security & Defence: From Ambition to Implementation”. 

Recommendations to Strengthen the Implementation of Sanctions against Russia in the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic is one of the most active supporters of Ukraine in terms of direct military support, provision of protection to Ukraine citizens or by leading the widely-respected ammunition initiative announced in February 2024. The Czech government has also profiled itself within the EU by supporting tough sanctions against Russia. Still, there are several options available for the current administration to strengthen the implementation of sanctions through legislative and non-legislative measures. 


PSSI is proud to present Space Café Radio - PSSI Space Security Mini-Series, a radio series dedicated to exploring allied preparedness in navigating the rapidly evolving space domain.

Major General Philippe Adam

PSSI is proud to present Space Café Radio - PSSI Space Security Mini-Series, a radio series dedicated to exploring allied preparedness in navigating the rapidly evolving space domain.


PSSI held the 7th Prague Space Security Conference on June 16-18, 2024.

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Video obsah se stává stále populárnějším zdrojem informací a jeho objem v informačním prostředí roste. Lákavost audiovizuálního obsahu si uvědomují i ​​tvůrci problematického obsahu, včetně těch, kteří dlouhodobě a systematicky šíří dezinformace. Jejich aktivita na platformách jako YouTube roste a s tím i jejich sledovanost, která dosahuje desetitisíce až sto tisíc sledovatelů. Kromě platformy pro rozšíření dosahu jim YouTube slouží jako monetizační platforma, ať už pomocí reklam, členských poplatků nebo finančních darů.

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The Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI) and the Korean Academy of Space Security (KASS) announced on June 18, 2024, the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) during the 7th Prague Space Security Conference, marking the beginning of collaboration aimed at enhancing global space security.

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Cyber Security Academy (CSA) 2024 is an intensive one-week course organized by Prague Security Studies Institute in cooperation with the Czech National Cyber and Information Security Agency (NÚKIB).


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Jste studenty magisterského oboru nebo právě začínáte svou kariéru a chcete se lépe zorientovat v oblasti mezinárodní bezpečnosti? Přihlaste se na prestižní Robinson-Martin Security Scholars Academy (RMSSA) 2024/2025 a diskutujte s nejlepšími profesionály v oboru!

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We are honored to have our work acknowledged by the United States House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party. Their recent press release highlights the critical findings from our January report entitled “Funding of the Iran-China Strategic Partnership via the U.S. Capital Markets”, which identified significant ties between Chinese companies and Iran’s military and energy sectors. Our research continues to underscore the importance of rigorous analysis and oversight in protecting global security interests.