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PSSI, in cooperation with AMO and Lobbio, held a roundtable at the Globsec Forum focused on proposals to improve sanctions implementation at the level of EU institutions and by the current Czech government. The event was held in cooperation with Globsec and with the support of CRDF.


The Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI) held its 7th Prague Space Security Conference since the inception of its Space Security Program in 2010. Entitled “Forging Strategic Partnerships in the Global Space Race”, it was held on 16-18 June 2024, in Prague, Czech Republic.

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The Prague Security Studies Institute hosted a public guest lecture with Dr. John Klein, Senior Fellow and Strategist at the Falcon Research, Inc. Dr. Klein also instructs space policy and strategy courses at George Washington University’s Space Policy Institute, Georgetown University’s Strategic Studies Program, and Institute of World Politics at the undergraduate, graduate, and doctorate levels respectively. Dr. Klein delivered an online guest lecture entitled “Space and Irregular Warfare”.


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The Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI), the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), the Association for International Affairs (AMO), Reconstruction of the State in cooperation with the British Embassy in Prague and organized a closed roundtable entitled Increasing the Effectiveness of Anti-Russian Sanctions.

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Prague Security Studies Institute hosted a debate titled "Sanctioning Russia: Making Sanctions Work in 2024," on February 29, 2024.