
Pandora Papers Perspective

Kauza Pandora Papers, týkající se i nyní již bývalého českého premiéra Andreje Babiše, rozvířila v říjnu 2021 český informační prostor, zatímco se země připravovala na parlamentní volby. 

IIB Report

There are multiple security concerns surrounding the Russian-led International Investment Bank, IIB. These include a lack of transparency and accountability, suspected ties to Russian intelligence and fiduciary malfeasance. This investigative report looks at the investments that have been made by the Bank within the Czech Republic and challenges those claims made by the Bank that it has positively advanced the Czech industry. In offering a history of the Bank's activity in the Czech Republic, it is worth noting that it is marked by a pattern of corruption and mismanagement. 

Parlamentní volby 2021 coverpage

Regional Security Program // Jonáš Syrovátka, Kristína Šefčíková / 7 Dec 2021

Czech Parliamentary Elections 2021 Report

PSSI has published its report on the 2021 Czech parliamentary elections, continuing its project series "Czech Elections in the Era of Disinformation".

Cover Photo Perspective #14

PSSI Perspective #14 discusses how the EU and the US can use capital market sanctions to prevent Chinese and Russian firms from financially underwriting the Taliban regime.

Fair Space Commerce Coverphoto

In PSSI Perspective #13, our Managing Director, Dr. Jana Robinson, argues that the space governance discussions need to go beyond emerging technologies to include fundamental principles, such as the protection of sovereignty, free and fair trade, and the independence of fledgling and other space-faring nations.

The Specter of Authoriatarian Regimes is Haunting Europe - Coverpage

Since its inception in 2019, the project Authoritarian Shadows in the European Union, headed by the Hungarian think tank Political Capital, has been monitoring the voting patterns of MEPs in order to map their attitudes towards authoritarian states. The latest output of the project seeks not only to find out how MEPs perceive those states but also their opinions about the issues of disinformation and the Common EU Foreign Policy.


Security Scholars Program // Adéla Habartová, Michaela Habartová / 14 Jul 2021

China's Navy: A Serious Threat to U.S. Naval Superiority?

PSSI has published another policy paper from the series of Alumni Briefs composed of policy analyses/commentaries on current security issues by the alumni of PSSI´s Robinson-Martin Security Scholars Academy, Cyber Security Academy, NATO Summer School, our former interns, and colleagues. The goal of these Briefs is to inform and enrich public policy debate and official deliberations on breaking national security issues. 

Vrbětice Case Study of Czech Resilience Against Hostile Propaganda COVERPHOTO

PSSI's latest Perspective discusses the spread of hostile propaganda within the Czech media space related to the revelation of Russian GRU involvement in the Vrbětice ammunition depot explosions in 2014, while also examining the Czech response and resilience to hostile propaganda.

Biden Administration Opts To Sustain and Strenghten Trump-era Capital Markets Sanctions on Chinese Corporate Bad Actors Cover Page

PSSI’s latest Perspective examines the continuity and expansion of capital markets sanctions on Chinese military and other "bad actor" companies across the Trump and Biden administrations.

Chinese ‘High-Risk’ Corporate Space Actors

Dr. Jana Robinson’s article, entitled “Chinese ‘High-Risk’ Corporate Space Actors”, was published in the 2021 NATO JAPCC Joint Air and Space Power Conference 2021 Read Ahead.