PSSI Perspective #12 - Vrbětice: Case Study of Czech Resilience Against Hostile Propaganda

Michaela Dvořáková, Jonáš Syrovátka / 8 Jul 2021

PSSI's latest Perspective discusses the spread of hostile propaganda within the Czech media space related to the revelation of Russian GRU involvement in the Vrbětice ammunition depot explosions in 2014, while also examining the Czech response and resilience to hostile propaganda.

In this Perspective, Michaela Dvořáková and Jonáš Syrovátka analyze the behaviour of notorious conspiracy spreaders, their ability to shape the public debate and the response of government institutions during the unravelling of this exceptional case. It finds that there was a lack of clear and comprehensible communication in the government, which projected itself into the attempted resolution of the Vrbětice case.
Download the Perspective below to read more.